Thursday, July 24, 2008

Time off,

So, i spent some time off from the game, which is good. Actually was having fun playing a low stacks game when coming back, I turned 15$ into 100$, to then turn 100$ into 3$ hah.
But I have FPP's so, im far from broke.

With 4k in FPP points.. thats atleast 100$ worth of tournament dollars
210 fpp per tournament
50% to make 11$
4,000 / 200 = 20
so 10 x 11 = 110$

So, i have some money, but it will take time to retrieve it.
When I started to get low in funds, I started playing a lot of Omaha HL hu.
I think I'm a pretty good omaha player, and when im beaten, I am generally mad since I always feel like I can beat the competition. Right now I would say I am very cold decked.

The funny thing is, that 100$ is still a 100$, in my Br it doesn't feel like much, but it is.
So, my goal is to reach over 100$ and cash out, unfortunately i can't receive my money here Grr.

Maybe I should start a new account... hmm. Since im out of the country I can't recieve money.
oh well, best of luck to me.

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