Thursday, May 1, 2008

3rd day

Woes, Unfortunately, my boat of profit has run aground.
I'm at 60$, and I've had "one of those days..."
Which is a pleasant way of describing suck outs and bad luck. I'm using a strategy of setting a noose for opponents to hang themselves. When i flop top pair top kicker, since i am playing tight, I check or do a minimal raise. If i feel like I could get sucked out on, 3 cards near each other or 2 of the same suite. The idea is, if i just bet out confidently i might drive away someone with middle or bottom pair, and even at times you can keep someone with ace high in the pot for a later bet when they are a large underdog. I find that people after calling the flop and turn, will call a larger bet on the river. If they have a draw that misses, of course they muck immediately.

Well. the table im playing at now, ive had my aces cracked twice, once by 10/10 the other by 10/9. I guess i should of folded the 2nd being which the board was 76789, but i hate it when a board goes perfectly for another player to beat you.

So, now I'm down to 42$, and a bit depressed. I should probably take a break from playing, but this is where my nonprofitable play comes in, when i begin losing.. or actually lose long enough, it just encourages me to get in there and take it back.

I need to rather drop down in limits for a little while, until i feel "it" coming back to me, or really separate myself completely playing for a few hours.

I guess i need to just stay positive, and look at this like im back at the end of day 1, im back to 50$, which was day 1's goal. I might do a very low buy in tournament or large sit n go.. something to get me back on track...

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