Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Day 2, ahh

I ran into some trouble last night with A/A

P Hold'em No Limit ($0.10/$0.25) -
Table 'Europa II' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: Me ($19.15 in chips)
Seat 2: jz11 ($25.25 in chips)
Seat 3: VinceC ($74.80 in chips)
Seat 5: saprg ($10.25 in chips)
Seat 6: gosuminh ($51.15 in chips)
ME posts small blind $0.10
jz11: posts big blind $0.25
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ME [As Ad]
VinceC: folds
saprg: calls $0.25
gosuminh: raises $0.75 to $1
Me raises $1.75 to $2.75
jz11: folds
saprg: folds
gosuminh: calls $1.75
*** FLOP *** [Ac 6c Qd]
ME: bets $1.25
gosuminh: calls $1.25
*** TURN *** [Ac 6c Qd] [Jd]
Me bets $2.50
gosuminh: raises $5.75 to $8.25
ME calls $5.75
*** RIVER *** [Ac 6c Qd Jd] [4d]
ME bets $6.90 and is all-in
gosuminh: calls $6.90
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ME : shows [As Ad] (three of a kind, Aces)
gosuminh: shows [Ks Ts] (a straight, Ten to Ace)
gosuminh collected $36.95 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $38.80 | Rake $1.85
Board [Ac 6c Qd Jd 4d]
Seat 1: ME (small blind) showed [As Ad] and lost with three of a kind, Aces
Seat 2: jz11 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: VinceC folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: saprg folded before Flop
Seat 6: gosuminh (button) showed [Ks Ts] and won ($36.95) with a straight, Ten to Ace

More then half my bankroll went out the window, I felt like he was very strong, but I couldnt put that down, i should of tried to cut my losses.

My other big loss was with k/q vs qq

The board was 89q 8 8
so, on the river, i called an all - in expecting a split pot, I could of expected 4 of a kind.. but I didnt feel that coming.

Day 2, Bankroll: 54$
Still playing .10/.25, and at times feel i should be at even lower limits, although the depression would be too much.

Todays goal is 100$, but, if profit isnt coming I should just bail for a few hours and try again. I would like to not to get into the grinding mind state where i might keep playing even when im not going to be profitable.

So, current plan is patience, less aggression, and even more patience.

I'm going to try out fixed limit micro, although im not sure why anyone would play that.. but anything to earn a dollar at this point.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The start

The premise of the blog is, gaining back all the money ive lost online. I wouldnt even say ive played that bad, but i know lately, ive had just an awful run of cards. Often not exactly card dead, but good 2nd best cards, which lead me to bet and call and lose.

So, the idea is, I'm going to win back it all (hopeful)

So, my backroll is currently 26$
I'm trying to win back 2,500$ (Barf)

(still hopeful)
Ive downgraded my current limits quite a bit, down to .10/.25 NL.

I was down to 11$ earlier, and that was just abysmal.

So, for this evening, I would like to reach 50$ total in my bankroll.

I have to adjust my playing style to lower limits, be less aggressive unless my starting hand is 10/10 or above in value. Playing possum, wait for the hand to be made, or be a large favorite before going to aggro.

Play tight, after 2 orbits (-3 BBs) (.75) at current limit, should switch tables. Staying to tables with more people should benefit me more, and staying away from sharks :(

So, regardless, current goal for the next 24 hours is 24$.

bon apetite